The battle - voice search Google apple and Facebook
2013-10-07 As everyone knows, in the search field, Google (micro-blog) unmanned can enemy. In the Internet all search activities, Google share usually at around 70%. Microsoft Bing is ranked second, but the share has been Google far behind.However, technology website BusinessInsider writer Jim Edwards (Jim Edwards) think, Google dominance in search or will be threatened, it is facing a series of challenges, from a known as the "hidden", "abstract", or "conversational" new search mode threat.
Now, if you want to search in the Webpage, you must enter a keyword. Google let we have grown accustomed to the keyword input according to the importance, not according to the meaning of these words.
However, the future that may change. Google, Facebook and apple are working to develop tools, allows users to search by routine way of speaking, even those we use in real life the vague, abstract or hidden concept, such as "what restaurant meal is delicious?" For such problems, the traditional search mode search results are usually useless.
Larry Kim (Larry Kim), Internet advertising analysts WordStream founder, search experts in the field, he described the new search: "people have the habit of input keywords, be reduced to fragments in all kinds of strange Google desktop search to search. For example, if you want to get the best results, people used to input a string of complex words, for example, if people want to query a beach to Hawaii route, they have to enter the &lqquot&direction, black, beach, Hawaii best,&lqquot& these key words. I call this is&lqquot& original English &lqquot&, read these query terms, you will discover, these words are read together is not smooth, like a primitive people say. I expect, Google 20% search is completed by the original english.
Recently, Facebook introduced the map search to American users, and the service will soon sign Facebook users open. If you&lqquot&ve ever tried to search on the Facebook, you will know the nuances of the search mode. In this search, general keyword search to the result just passable. But the use of map search is not the same, the search to find your friends like the movie, the search results will be amazing."
The Facebook map search and Google keyword search, this difference is that, in the Facebook, you don&lqquot&t know what is your answer to search content, this is the "hidden" search. In Google, your search is one of the few known content, such as&lqquot& the White House history&lqquot&.
The hummingbird algorithm Era
Of course, Google not await one&lqquot&s doom. Not long ago, Google launched new hummingbirds (Hummingbird) algorithm, which can handle voice search requirements, such as&lqquot& how to tie a tie? &lqquot& Google will hummingbird algorithm as since 2001, the company to the core product of the biggest adjustment.
The uninitiated, talk about search algorithms like chewing wax. Search engine change algorithm to search more easy to use, who cares?
The user selected Facebook abandoned Google
According to market research firm comScore reports, people spend on average in the Facebook time than Google. Google search Empire worth $60000000000, and the Facebook empire with $6000000000, but not search.
If Facebook really serious, to develop a search engine to replace the Google, such as church users using implied rather than keywords to search, then the search market revenue allocation may be a fundamental change.
In response, Larry Kim said, "now is the era of mobile search (search activity nearly half of total moving search activities), mobile search is more and more completed by speech. As modern people, we do not want a word a word out loud that primitive people in general. Therefore, the processing of natural speech problem can be better to improve the search result relevance is the key."
True intentions Apple Push Siri
Next is the apple. If you have an iPhone, you may wonder, why Apple is so obsessed with Siri this is not how good voice assistant. One reason is apple computer, clear is the future of mobile, compared to the input keyword search, the mobile phone voice tell you want to query the content to be more convenient.
If the Siri gets better, voice activated mobile Siri search will become very useful, iPhone users will all transfer to Siri, and is no longer Google search.
Of course, this is a qualitative leap, and Apple&lqquot&s most afraid of is the "great leap forward".
Siri is the default search engine is will be, at the same time Microsoft also reached an agreement with Facebook, the Bing as the default search engine for the social networking site. Siri uses a search engine, this apple say. In Apple&lqquot&s latest iOS 7 mobile operating system, Siri&lqquot&s default search engine from Google into bing. Although apple and Microsoft are rivals, but they don&lqquot&t &lqquot&like&lqquot& Google.
Google eye glasses for Siri
In the Android operating system, Google have their own voice assistant, but more useful than the Siri. Google to Android user firmly in Google search system,